
my chains are gone, i've been set free

do you ever just feel confined by insecurities? I do. I have been doing a study by Beth Moore and I am only in chapter 2, but already I am ready to buck all these insecurities and tell them to take a hike. I didn't even realize how insecure I was, but now that I do... i am ready to say so long. The worst part is when you realize that insecurity can be confining. For instance do you ever just want to throw your hands up in church and really get into the worship? I do. But gosh, have you ever actually watched someone worship? Like HONESTLY and with an open heart. It looks weird. Really weird. But of course it looks weird we have nothing to compare it to. we might worship money or fame, but we don't actually physically display that. With God, we do. WHich brings me to my next point-I was really having a hard time getting into worship night. I accidentally sat with the youth group, which wasn't bad except that i probably just looked like a pregnant teenager with a baby on my hip. So I felt disconnected, stressed about the paper I should have been writing and waiting for Blake to shriek or pull my hair- and make me shriek. Then pastor Russ got up and said how he knew people were not tuned in, he could feel that people were really in a funk and it wasn't going well. I usually am not the person who the leader is 'speaking too' but this time I was . SO in the essence of beth moore I threw my hands in the air and sang my heart out. With a baby on my hip, who waswatching my every move. And as I sang, and opened my heart to God, he opened his heart to me through a sweet little boy who threw his hands up and smiled at me. And when Pastor Russ proclaimed that God loved us for who we are, Blake clapped his chubby little hands together as if that message was for him personally. And it was.