
Did you get pooped on?

Did you ever just feel like life was pooping on you? Wow this past week has been just that. First Blakey was sick with a fever. Fevers scare me, almost as much as birds. So you can see how this would send me loopy. Finally he got better, and i got.. cold. I got very very cold. Then very hot. Thus began my feverish bout. Day one was bearable because I 'got sick' right as Steve came home from work. Day two was horrible. My body ached from head to toe. I had shooting pains in places that I didn't even know had nerve endings, and my body was hot and cold all at the same time. Poor Blake was bored to death, but I mustered the strength to draw him a bath. I leaned against the tub playing with his toys halfheartedly. He then decided to squat, and i knew. I just knew something bad was coming. You guessed it! He decided to poop in the tub. I started sobbing and said 'no no no', I pulled him out and carried him to his room. I called Steve in utter desperation. I dont know what I expected he could do, but he is my knight, he always makes bad things go away. So he agreed to come home for an early lunch. At this point he came in to find me crying on the couch feeling sorry for myself, and having visions of dying of this yellow fever or whatever i had ( i told you, fevers scare me). I called my dear friend joy at his suggestion, and she agreed to come take Blake so I could rest. I honest to God would have given her a million dollars if I had it, to prove how grateful I was. I felt like the Israelites when the red sea parted. I just had visions of snuggling in a warm (then cold, then hot) bed with no one pulling my hair, punching my face or throwing pacifiers on the floor. The cavalry arrived, and I practically ran to bed. I felt a lot better when I got up, and even managed to get a coat of blue paint on Blakes dresser before he got home.
Then came Friday. I felt so much better I decided to run errands. I got my cap and gown , Class of 2010! I took Blake to the library and we came home for lunch and a nap. I woke up from the nap FREEZING cold (i had a blanket on!). Then we moved to the bedroom with more blankets and I woke up with a 102 fever. I called Steve freaking out that I had to go to urgent care, because I felt like I was on fire, plus my body ached horribly. We got there, and the doctor quickly looked me over and said "yep your dry you need an iv". I felt like the world had closed in on me. an iv? I hate needles more than I hate birds. Can you believe that? Speaking of which a creep-0 bird is living in my vents on my house-more on that later.
The nurse came in for the iv, I freaked out some more. And cried. But Blake and Steve came in with some fresh picked Dandelions, which helped. So i got 2 liters of iv fluids and a lot of tests and I was pretty much dehydrated and sick. Finally we got to go home.
Saturday I went to a new salon to get my hair blonde. THe stylist informed me that she could only color my hair if i purchased her high end priced out the wazoooo shampoo. I foolishly agreed. now i own shampoo that costs more than a filet mignon. That is wrong.

Despite this- I love my hair, I graduated with a 3.4, and I love our little life! I am very blessed!

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