
I have to be honest.....

....So I have to be honest, I have been a slacker blogger. Partially because of time constraints, but mostly because of vanity. Yes, you see, people keep telling me that they enjoy my blog, and it's funny. I appreciate that so much, it means so much to me. Butttttttt....what happens when it isn't funny. What if you click open my blog to read it and there is no funny. You don't even crack a smile through the whole post. Then what? Then you have wasted your time and think I am lame to boot. That is a LOT of pressure people. Ack.
Where do I start. Blake's new friend Josie came to play on Friday so that Josie's Mom could get some shopping done. I always thought I was a relatively good multitakser..I learned that is a blatant lie. Probably from the devil. Thats where all lies come from. So I learned that I really suck at it. I had just grocery shopped, and Josie had just arrived. I figured I would put away groceries while she and Blake started to play, and then I would join them. This was workin until the dog got all up in her grill. No Roxy, not everyone wants to go to second base with you, thanks anyways. So i shoo-ed the dog outside. Then Steve came home for lunch, he knew better than to ask me for a sandwich, and started putting away all of the groceries. Thank goodness! In the mean time, Blake spots Josies potty seat and starts high tailing it across the room away from his land of clean and sterile toys.. to the potty seat. His mouth is open as if he has just spotted the most succulent fruit. Is this sort of how Eve and the apple went down? Thankfully I swooped in and got him before he started taste testing. Poor Josie wasn't too impressed with our toy collection. Luckily her mama is smart and packed her a bunch of toys. She started to put together princess puzzle squares, and Blake thought he would help by sucking and chewing on princess Jasmine. Josie looked throughly disgusted as she wiped it off. Poor kid, I don't think she will ever want to come back after what happened next. We got all ready to go to the park, and walked over. I steered Josie toward the little kiddie playground, but some kind of law states that kids want danger, so she wanted to go on the towering big kid playground. I followed her around and she hopped up the steps, and through the tunnels and I couldn't believe how coordinated a two year old is! I probably would have fallen off and broke my head open. We skipped home and Josie laughed as if watching a 23 year old lady skip was about the funniest ever. When we arrived home I entered the living room first and saw two empty snack containers. Lids off. Lids chewed. No snacks. I sunk to the floor , threw my hands up and said "WHY GOD?". Haha. Just kidding, I ran over and started shooing the dog out and trying to figure out a way to say "Well, Josie the dog ate your chocolate chip cookies and goldfish".. and make it sound like christmas morning. She followed me in and I said "Oh Josie, the dog was very naughty, I am sorry she ate your snacks. We will get you new snacks". She looked heartbroken ..she reached down her little hand and picked up the empty plastic cup and looked at me with wide eyes and said "Cookie?" She looked so perplexed. I finally convinced her that the dog ate them, when she changed the subject to pee pee. OH! I had forgotten to take her to the bathroom. Blake was asleep by this point and I Had to put him in his crib. Ok! Come with me, I told her. I put him down gently as she said "pee pee", I looked at her, ready to respond when I realized what she meant was "hey dimwit, you didn't take me to the bathroom when I asked the first time." Yep, too late. What I learned: When a two year old tells you "pee pee" what they mean is "PEE PEE NOW, IF YOU DON'T TAKE ME NOW--My TINY BLADDER WILL EXPLODE. LITERALLY!"
She was a good sport though, she didn't get mad. We changed her clothes, minus pants, because apparently kids hate pants. And thankfully the rest was calm. Poor kid, lost her cookies, and got all soggy. Blake had fun though, Josie is his first real friend, he smiles at her and follows her around. And she calls him buddy. I love it! His first nickname from a friend!

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